Hello, I am Satvik Shubham

Electrical Engineering student

Satvik Singh

What I do

Electrical Engineering

Currently I am doing my Electrical Engineering (Power and Automation) course in IIT Delhi.

I am interested in Embedded Systems, Machine learning and Power devices.

My Work

About myself

A student at IIT Delhi

I belong to Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. I have completed my schooling in varanasi and for my undergraduate degree I am currently studying at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

I am doing Electrical Engineering (Power and Automation) apart from that I am also interested in app development and machine learning. As my hobbies, I play guitar and also like to create new music.

LHC, IIT Delhi

My work

These are following projects I have worked/currently working on

ML project MOSFET Project EE Helper Parameter converter

My services

This is the list of responsibilities I took.

  1. BSW Mentor, Board for Student Welfare.
    • December'21-Present
  2. Events evecutive, Rendezvous'21 IIT Delhi.
    • April'21-April'21
  3. Marketing Team executive, Rendezvous'21 IIT Delhi.
    • April'21-April'21
  4. Representative of Music Club, Satpura Hostel.
    • September'20 - Now
  5. Vice Captain of weightlifting, Satpura Hostel.
    • September'20 - Now
Satpura Hostel